Molly Bowman
A designer at heart, Molly has been creating from the moment she could stack a Lego. Her early interests in 3-D structures, visual art, and design, coupled with her passion for community, led her to pursue a design career that places importance on the human being. Molly received her bachelor’s degree in Architecture with a concentration in Urbanism from Wentworth Institute of Technology. Lighting, integral to a holistic design strategy, captured Molly’s attention throughout her architecture studies. Molly regards lighting design as a brilliant synthesis of her love for architectural form, spatial composition, and strong client collaboration within the creative design process. However, for Molly, it is the variety of the work at Lam Partners that she finds most gratifying, as it lends her many opportunities to continue learning and growing as a designer. When she isn’t designing, you can find Molly with a camera in one hand and a paintbrush in the other, planning out new routes for road trips, flipping through furniture catalogs, reading up on chair designs, or enjoying the company of family and friends.
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science in Architecture