Richard Muthama

Lighting Designer

Richard is a passionate lighting designer who recently earned his master’s degree from Parsons School of Design. Originally pursuing a path as an interior architect in England, he stumbled upon his true calling in lighting design, which ignited his fascination with the interplay of light and space. His interest in this creative discipline flourished during his time as an interior designer in Nairobi, where he was able to observe the transformative power of lighting in diverse environments. With a background in both architecture and design, Richard brings a unique perspective to his work, blending technical expertise with a keen artistic sensibility. In his free time, Richard finds joy in a variety of activities. He’s an avid tennis player, finding both competition and camaraderie on the court. When he’s not swinging a racket, he can often be found engrossed in a good book, feeding his curious mind. Richard also nurtures his adventurous spirit by attempting to rekindle his love for rock climbing, seeking both physical and mental challenges on the climbing wall.


Parsons School of Design – The New School
Master of Fine Arts, Lighting Design

Oxford Brookes University
Bachelor of Arts, Interior Architecture